Below is a smattering of drawings from the various story-worlds I explore in my process. This is a small collection to act as a stand-in for the archive. Many of them correspond to projects that I have been working on for prolonged periods, some are just little thoughtbeings that would have otherwise gone unknown, uncherished, and unacknowledged, others are foundational mythopoetic scenes or figures from ongoing field notes I take from the various imaginal and ever evolving shadowlands that reveal themselves to me. There are drawings of all sizes, uncountable, falling out of drawers and pockets, folders and old books. Many of them are sentimental, others are mental-mental. That is to say that I enjoy taking lines on walks, and allowing walks to take mind on lines, and enjoy joy raking lines over walking worlds, and walking the various vectors of flights as they are ever traceable in any one direction.